Road construction


"Demontazhnik" is officially the best road construction company in Ukraine 2019 ROAD for UAH 100 per sq. m.


  • Road design and laying.
    • from asphalt crumb;
    • from a brick break;
    • from rubble;
    • from concrete slabs;
    • ground.
  • Geological and geodetic surveys for road construction.
  • Dismantling the old asphalt pavement.
  • Preparation for asphalt paving: excavation, embankment construction, soil stabilization, sand or crushed stone foundation.
  • Installation of utilities and pipelines.
  • Asphalting of highways.
  • Asphalting of territories, sites, yards, construction of parking lots.
  • Arrangement of highways.
  • Construction of temporary roads - unpaved roads, roads made of rubble or concrete slabs; construction of roads in the countryside.
  • Road repair - patching, major and current, repair of cracks in asphalt, restoration of asphalt pavement.
  • Concrete road construction.
  • Asphalting hangars and hard-to-reach areas.

There are many reasons why a temporary road becomes necessary. Most often, this is providing access, if it is impossible to use or lack of capital passage, to such objects as:

  • Construction sites (for the entrance of equipment, uninterrupted delivery of building materials in urban conditions, and even more so in wetlands)
  • Areas of exploration or extraction of minerals;
  • Plots where logging is carried out
  • Sometimes a temporary road is ordered because a capital road is planned in a year, but you still need to go now. However, making a temporary road at a construction site is the most common case.

The cost of such a road is much lower than that of a capital one. In addition, heavy construction equipment weighing 30-45 tons drives into the construction site quite often, which will inevitably damage the capital road. If the device of the roadway is made in compliance with the technology and the use of materials provided for by the technological map, then such a roadbed can serve for quite a long time, and after it fulfills its main purpose. In the future, after a small reconstruction, it can serve as the basis for a capital road.


Road construction costs are calculated based on many factors.

For an accurate calculation, our specialist will visit your facility and make all the necessary calculations.

Price adjustments are carried out continuously, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, check prices with the manager!

Permits and licenses

Road design and laying

LLC "Demontazhnik" has permits for the construction of roads of all types, including roads from asphalt chips and slabs. Permits for the removal and disposal of construction waste soil. Our quality management system is ISO certified. 


Order road construction services and get professional advice
Call center opening hours: Mon-Sun from 7:00 to 21:00
+38 (067) 215-88-88


Depending on the purpose of the expected service life, as well as the amount of financing, the construction of a temporary road is carried out using various materials. By type of coverage, they can be subdivided into paved roads:

  • from asphalt crumb;
  • from a brick break;
  • from rubble;
  • from concrete slabs;
  • ground.

As with any other construction, it all starts with drawing up a technological map. It indicates the scope of work with clarification of all details, a list of materials, costing. All points of the map must comply with SNiPs and GOSTs. The type of pavement material greatly influences the cost of a temporary road.

The width of such a covering must be at least 3 meters, i.e. be sufficient for the passage of heavy vehicles. Most often, it is done in one lane with the crossing device. The first stage of construction of temporary roads is practically the same and does not depend on the type of coverage. The top layer of soil is cut by a bulldozer (on average 30 cm), i.e. a road trough is being prepared. The removed soil is removed. The soil is compacted by road rollers

Let's consider the best option. The construction of a temporary road from crushed stone with a sand base involves filling the road trough with sand and compulsory vibratory ramming. At the same time, you can also add a layer of geotextile and geogrids. On a layer of sand, a constructive foundation is arranged. It is filled with large crushed stone (size 40-70) and compacted in the same way. The next layer, made of fine crushed stone (f. 20-40), is the final one. Each base layer is carefully leveled and planned using bulldozers and graders before compacting. Such a roadbed can be considered the most expensive option for constructing temporary roads. First of all, because such a road is a ready-made base for paving from hot asphalt concrete mixtures. In other words, in 1-2 years it will be possible (without unnecessary work) to lay a layer of asphalt concrete on it.


We are a leading road construction company. Having our own fleet of special equipment and professional employees allows us to optimize costs and make the price acceptable for the customer. We carry out all types of road construction works with consistently high quality, using new technologies and strict adherence to the work schedule. One of the types of work we offer is filling the road with asphalt crumbs.

The advantages of this material include the fact that, on the one hand, it is secondary (it is obtained as a result of removing the old asphalt pavement), therefore its cost is much lower than the cost of gravel or even sand. On the other hand, there are residues of bitumen in the crumb, and this quite seriously affects the strength and durability of the cloth made of such a coating. The coating of asphalt chips has a fairly high density. It is not affected by adverse weather conditions such as rain or snow.

Such a coating, made by professionals in compliance with the standards, is quite durable and can last for many years without asphalt paving. The company gives a guarantee for all the work performed. More detailed information and qualified advice can be obtained by calling our office.