Backfilling and soil compaction

Backfilling is an important process that must be performed during the construction of the foundation. After completing all the work related to the foundation (pouring, waterproofing, insulation), you can already start backfilling the soil. Our company "Demontazhnik" has been providing backfilling of the sinuses of foundation pits and foundations with soil throughout Ukraine for many years. To accomplish this task, we provide special equipment (dump trucks, excavators, etc.) with our own drivers from our own fleet.

Backfilling of a pit solves several problems at once. Firstly, it solves the problem of the soil left after digging the foundation pit (if it is covered with soil), and secondly, the basement room is insulated. There are three building materials that are used in the process - they can be building sand, original soil, sandy soil or clay.

Depends on the goal that is being pursued - for each with its own pros and cons. Backfilling the foundation with sand, especially mixed with gravel (optional), will create a good drainage effect - the sand is perfectly permeable to water and will prevent frost swelling of the soil.



The cost of backfilling is calculated based on many factors.

For an accurate calculation, our specialist will visit your facility and take all the necessary measurements.

Price adjustments are carried out continuously, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, check prices with the manager!

Permits and licenses


LLC "Demontazhnik" has all the approvals required for backfilling and compaction of soils, permits for the removal and disposal of construction waste. Our quality management system is ISO certified. 


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When and how is backfilling of soil with layer-by-layer compaction carried out?

Backfilling of the pit sinuses with layer-by-layer compaction is performed after the construction of the basement of the building. Backfilling is performed when the concrete is completely hardened and gaining strength. In sunny weather, the drying process takes about 7-10 days, but for reliability it is recommended to wait at least three weeks after pouring. Backfilling of the foundation sinuses with layer-by-layer compaction can be carried out with clay, sand or soil, each option has its own characteristics:

  • Backfilling of the foundation with sand mixed with gravel is good for maximum water permeability. The water quickly leaves, therefore, the forces of frost heaving will not affect the concrete base. But there is also a minus: the impact on waterproofing increases, due to which the soil under the base will gradually erode. This problem is solved by the construction of a blind area, which will divert rainwater from the walls and base. Compaction sand backfilling is inexpensive and one of the most common options.
  • The use of clay has its own characteristics. This material allows you to resist the effects of water, as a water lock is formed, which protects the waterproofing of the foundation. But under certain conditions, the clay becomes saturated with moisture and turns into a heaving material that can negatively affect the concrete tape.
  • Backfilling of soil with layer-by-layer compaction. This is the simplest solution, as the base cavities are filled with earth raised by digging the trench. It does not have to be taken out, and the remains can be used for landscaping. The foundation backfill should not be fertile.
  • It is necessary to carefully follow the technology of layer-by-layer compaction to prevent subsidence and destruction of the base of the house. Entrust layer-by-layer compaction to professionals so that the base will serve for decades and do not have to be repaired with great time and material costs.

Features of backfilling of the foundation and sinuses of the excavation

The soil for backfilling the sinuses of the pit should not be too wet or too dry. In the first case, it is leveled and dried for some time in the open sun, in the second, a liquid cement solution (the so-called cement milk) is used for dilution. Soil moisture should normally be 15–20%. Layer-by-layer compaction is carried out in several stages:

  • The soil must be checked to ensure that no pieces of concrete, wood debris or other large foreign matter are left in it. Organic residues will rot and cause land subsidence.
  • Several soil layers are poured, the thickness of each of them is about 30 centimeters. After filling, each layer must be compacted. Sinus filling and layer-by-layer compaction of backfill in small objects is done manually, but any large construction requires the involvement of special equipment. It is necessary to provide access roads, after using special equipment, the work is completed with hand tools.
  • Places where various underground communications are laid to the base of the house are covered with soft soil that does not need to be tamped.
  • The compaction of backfill soils is carried out evenly along the entire length of the foundation so that the soil pressure on the walls is the same. Over time, this will lead to the fact that the base of the house will be deformed and will require repair.

The final stage is the installation of a blind area. This is a protective strip that will divert water from the walls and protect the soil near the foundation from erosion. If you do without it, the soil will quickly begin to settle and the concrete will gradually collapse from the water. If the soil was unevenly compacted, in some areas the blind area will constantly settle, which will lead to the rapid destruction of the protective strip.

Important nuances of backfilling of soil

Backfilling of a trench with layer-by-layer compaction has several differences that will ensure the operability of pipelines and quick access to control valves. Before laying the communication paths, the bottom of the trenches is filled with crushed stone and a sand cushion, viewing wells are arranged in specially designated places. During installation, it is important to ensure that the shut-off valves are located exactly in the designated places under the concrete slabs so that they can be accessed.

Work with the trench begins only after testing the pipelines, it is necessary to make sure that they are fully operational. After that, a layer of sand is poured and compacted on them, then soil is poured in layers. The thickness of the layer is about 0.5 m. Each of them must be tamped manually, after which the next layer is poured.

Layer-by-layer sealing has a number of nuances that must be taken into account. An unprofessional approach and technological errors can cause deformation of the base of the house and lead to a decrease in strength, so it is better to immediately entrust the matter to real specialists.

Why choose us

Our company offers sand for backfilling and provides a full range of services for strengthening the concrete foundations of any object. We have gained an excellent reputation as we have been performing various types of construction services for several years. Extensive experience of specialists and excellent technical equipment allow us to cope with any tasks. Don't worry - they will be completed on time.

"Demontazhnik" offers favorable prices. Your order will be executed inexpensively, so you can get rid of unnecessary construction costs. At the same time, we guarantee excellent quality and strict adherence to construction technologies. We are always ready to work with new clients. Call to get all the information you need and place an order on affordable terms!